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Heather Mansfield

Heather first stepped into the hoop just a little over a year ago, and has not been able to put it down since! She has put forth immense work and passion into the flow arts over the course of the past year, causing what started as a mechanism of coping and a playful hobby to stay in shape, to truely evolving into a lifestyle. She has had the pleasure of attending numerous workshops, flow jams, fire jams, festivals, photo shoots, and fundraising opportunities, as well as landing a sponsorship with local hoopsmith @cloudedcircles  all because of the love of a plastic child's toy. Her aspiring skills include but are not limited to; Hoops, double hoops, fire hoops, fire fans, and fire eating. Her biggest aspiration is to inspire others and spread a message of love and acceptance of all people through various forms of art. 

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